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Writer's pictureMrsGScience

How I Teach? How I Learn? And Why Do I Do This?

Benjamin Franklin modernized the words of Confucius. He said, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

I'm from the generation that played outside until the lamp posts turned on, that was the universal signal on the block for the kids to head home, eat, complete homework and go to bed. When a child is outdoors in nature, they notice things. Why is it that on some days the sidewalk is full of earthworms and on other days not a one? Why is it that the smell of Skunk is more prominent on Spring days? What animal belonged to the scat (pardon me, I'm a Science Teacher, we talk about such things as a matter of factly---you'll get used to it) in the backyard?

Inquiry minds want to know. That is why I'm believer in Inquiry Based Learning. If you give a student a question and a means to solve that question by an experiment or demonstration, the likelihood of that student to form his/her own opinions and remember the crux of the subject matter is much greater than reading a text of someone else's experiment. If you give a student a pertinent reason to learn it....even better!

I also like to use Kagan Cooperative Learning Techniques to involve students and develop an environment where all students feel safe contributing to the topic.

Multiple Modalities:

I enjoy all modalities of learning. So all my weekly lessons will include visual, auditory, and tactile exercises. Some will involve solo means of study and others will be group activities. I like to offer choices to my students so that their "buy in" is stronger and their chances of completion is greater.

I like to use a variety of resources. Science is all about being able to duplicate the same results over time to prove or disprove a theory. The more resources we, as Scientists, have, the more sound our conclusions are. Everyone who enters my a Scientist.

Why I Teach?

Some people ask me why I became a teacher, especially later in life. The truth is...I was afraid of the profession of teaching because I grew up in humble beginnings and thought it would be prudent to chase the money, and not my passion. I enjoyed working for the pharmaceutical companies in the lab and in the sales department, but the lab was too anti-social for me and the sales department was not enough Science for me....Today, I'm happy to report that I'm a well adjusted Educator with just the right mix of Science and Social stimulation; I have never felt more rich in all my life.

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